Sunday, 28 October 2018

Some points that I enjoy as the firstfruits

This week I enjoy the spoken message concerning the firstfruits. Brother Ron spoke from our individual experience to our corporate experience concerning how we can be the firstfruits that satisfy the Father. Then there's a result from such a continual experience, that is, we'll be the first fruits, the overcomers, to satisfy the Father. 

I've been considering and also discussing with the saints how, in our experience, we can be the firstfruits that satisfy the Father. After some fellowship, I enjoy the picture revealed in John 15.

1) We are the branches in the vine. 
As we abide in the vine, we enjoy the resurrected Christ. The life juice from the vine being dispensed into us so that we can bear fruits. 

2) Satisfying the Father. 
A particular verse in John 15:11 "These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full". 

Thursday, 25 October 2018

No more tears but joy

Whenever I walked by this place, I remember how my tears streamed down that day so that I had to hide in the forest and cried. During these months, I've been inquiring the Lord concerning the matter. If I were able to collect my tears, they must have already caused the flood.

However, when I happened to read the verse today, it feels like the Lord has gently left a gift before me.

Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be made full (John 16:24). 

Of course, I have had a lot of prayers during the time, but today I enjoy how He has loved me and is willing to fulfill my joy because my joy has been one with His joy (John 15:7-11). So I emptied my thoughts from all busyness and paid attention to my inner feeling concerning what I really want.

I made a request that my joy may be made full, and I know that it is His joy as well.

I love You, Lord. Thank You and I praise You. No more tears but joy.