Sunday, 27 September 2020

Life-study msg 16- To Dine With the Lord and To Sit On His Throne

This message corresponds to the church in Laodicea.

The first three churches mentioned in the book of Revelation are over, but the rest of them are still in continuation. 

Our first need to know the particular aspect that God is the head of the church. 

Monday, 21 September 2020

Ministry meeting: Life-Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations msg 18

 26 December 1991

Brother Witness Lee

The ministry meeting is the video delivered by brother Witness Lee on 26 December 1991. 

Title of the message 18: Israel's Sin Against Jehovah and Jehovah's Punishment Upon Israel (10) - Jehovah as the Potter and Israel as the Pottery

Hymn 548

(The message link - 


Main point: God has the absolute right over His people

Thus, the potter is free to do anything he wants with the pottery. He is sovereign. 

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Life-study msg 15- Rapture Before the Great Tribulation and a Pillar in God's Temple

The message is referring to the church in Philadelphia. 

Verses- Rev 3:7-13

- The meaning of David (the one built the temple indirectly at the back whereas Solomon built the temple). Christ is the centre who actually builds the temple. 

* The Key

The key to God's economy. Christ's supreme authority. Matt 28 (All the authority has been given to me). This key is able to open every door that is positively related to God's carrying out of His economy. 

The brethren in the 19th century in England was a recovery from the dead reformed church typified by the church in Thyatira. 

* The Name 

The name indicates the reality of a person, and thus it is wonderful to have His Name and the name of the city of My God be written on us.  

During the tribulation, the anti-Christ will also put his name on men so that those men will be identified with the anti-Christ. 

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Life-study msg 14- White Garment and Name Confessed By the Lord

This message refers to the church in Sardis. 

This corresponds to the stage of the reformation in church history. e.g. Martin Luther's reformation. However, the truth at this stage is rather superficial and tied up to doctrines instead of life. 

That's why they always in revival because everything in the reformed church would die out (dead and dying are the main feature of the reformed church). The church becomes institutionalised. 

Seven stars- The seven-fold intensified spirit that makes us living! 

Death is dirtier than sin. If someone sins, they just need to offer the offering then they can be forgiven. However, if someone touches death, it takes seven days for them to be clean. 

We don't want to just be deadly right but livingly wrong. 

Names written on the book of life can be erased if we live the defeated life today (Rev 3:5), and those who stay on the book of life are overcomers who will eventually have higher enjoyment of Christ. This is our reward. However, being erased from the book of life is nothing today with our eternal salvation. 

Lord, keep us enjoying You as grace!

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Life-study msg 13- Authority and Morning Star

This message focuses on the church of Thyatira. 

The parables

The woman in Matt 13 then becomes the woman Jezabel (harlot) in Rev 2 and eventually becomes the great harlot in Rev 17. This very woman portrays the apostate church (背道的教會) in history. 

The portion above can relate to 1 and 2 Kings concerning bringing the pagan things into the church (also is related to the leaven in Matthew).

*The church supposed to feed on the pure fine flour, but the evil woman in Matt 13 put leaven into the flour. The flour then had the mixture. What is leaven today? It is subtle that bringing things that are not from the Bible or from God and can seemingly be good that are easy for people to feed on these things.

We really need to be on guard. 

Rev. 2:24 "the deep things of Satan"= Deep thoughts of Satan = the embodiment of Satan. 

The great harlot does have many "daughters". = We need to be "nothing to do with the daughters of the great harlot".